Going green at work can be easy and fun. Follow these simple eco-friendly office practices to cut down your nine-to-five carbon footprint.
‘Tis the season to be jolly and nature-friendly! Follow these eco-friendly Christmas ideas to have happy holidays without being a scrooge.
The world is becoming tech-oriented, and so is our waste stream. Simply tossing away old electronics in the trash is something we cannot afford now. This guide will help you understand the nitty-gritty of e-waste recycling and how can you reduce your e-waste footprint.
If you are planning to board the zero waste train, there’s no better start than grocery shopping!
From preparing the shopping list to hitting a grocery store near you, here’s a step-by-step guide to shop smarter and greener.
Well-worn, ill-fit, or unflattering – whatever maybe the reason to get rid of a piece of clothing, there’s always a way to get it out of your sight and the trash. Here are some recycling options you can try for your duds..
Is your closet flooded with outfits that will never see the light of the day? It’s about time you part ways with these one-hit wonders and give your closet a conscious, minimalist, and versatile makeover.
While we explore nature’s beauty, our footprints do a lot more than leaving a mark on it. Learn how to travel sustainably with these eco-friendly tips covering all the bases – accommodation, transportation, packing, and vacation.
Owning fewer possessions will help you declutter your life and your mind. It’s about time you tap into the power of minimalism and cut down on your clutter with these ridiculously simple tips..
Living trash-free can be equally inspiring and intimidating. We are at the zenith of zero waste movement, and yet, some zero wasters are struggling to curb their carbon footprint. Here are some common zero waste mistakes that do more harm than good and turn your efforts bootless.
Switching to a zero-waste lifestyle doesn’t happen overnight, but with the right inspiration and a little forethought, you can smoothly sail your zero-waste ship. Here’s a guide on some old habits to ditch and new habits to welcome into your life.